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International Museum of Post-Contemporary Art in Resistance

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Bernini; or, Art & Life— What Do They Have to Do with Each Other?

Terrain Gallery | Aesthetic Realism Foundation

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The independent Republic of Azerbaijan is the legal successor of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic.

Genocide Memorial Complex in Guba city

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May 18 - International Museum Day

Genocide Memorial Complex in Guba city

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"Separate & Together: Opposites in the Art and Life of Edward Hopper" by Dorothy Koppelman

Terrain Gallery | Aesthetic Realism Foundation

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Maribor Museum of National Liberation 07.12.2021


SVETI MIKLAVŽ Pri nas in na krščanskem vzhodu ter zahodu je sv. Nikolaj, ki mu pri nas pravimo Miklavž, izjemna pojava. Je eden najbolj priljubljenih svetnikov. S posebnim veseljem ga pričakujejo...
Genocide Memorial Complex in Guba city 11.11.2021

8 November - Victory Day

8 November - Victory Day Today, November 8, is "Victory Day," the restoration of historical justice, which has left everlasting imprints in Azerbaijan's history. Every year, November 8 is celebrated...
Genocide Memorial Complex in Guba city 15.08.2021

Announcement: To the attention for those who wish to participate in the International Symposium to be held on September 10-11, 2021 at the "Genocide Memorial Complex" in Guba.

Announcement: To the attention for those who wish to participate in the International Symposium to be held on September 10-11, 2021 at the "Genocide Memorial Complex" in Guba. With the joint...
Slovenian School Museum 26.07.2021

Slovenski šolski muzej v letu 2019

Slovenski šolski muzej v letu 2019
Maribor Museum of National Liberation 13.07.2021

Summer at the Museum

Summer at the museum doesn’t mean we’re asleep and doing nothing. It is true that the workers are on holiday, but the rest of us are working and preparing for a rich autumn. Three curators are...
Slovenian School Museum 18.06.2021

Kako pripraviti obiskovalce na ogled kulturne ustanove

Vzgojno-izobraževalne institucije v svoje učne procese že vrsto let vključujejo programe kulturnih ustanov, ki bogatijo in nadgrajujejo učne programe ter ponujajo inovativne pristope k usvajanju...
Maribor Museum of National Liberation 04.06.2021

III. Kongres slovenskih muzealcev

Muzej narodne osvoboditve gosti III. kongres slovenskih muzealcev, ki ga letos organizira ICOM Slovenija ob podpori Skupnosti muzejev Slovenije in Slovenskega muzejskega društva. Svoje moči je...
Maribor Museum of National Liberation 17.05.2021

Mednarodni dan muzejev

Dragi obiskovalci Tudi v našem muzeju bomo obeležili Mednarodni muzejski dan, a še vedno v duhu varovanja vašega zdravja. Na voljo vam je prosti vstop v muzej, na ogled so številne razstave, na...
Maribor Museum of National Liberation 10.05.2021

Brezplačni ogled razstave "Slovenci, za zmiraj gre!"

Razstava Arhiva Republike Slovenije, Pokrajinskega arhiva Maribor, Muzeja novejše zgodovine Slovenije in Narodnega muzeja Slovenije »Slovenci, za zmiraj gre!« od 11. 5. 2021 gostuje v Muzeju narodne...
Genocide Memorial Complex in Guba city 18.04.2021

International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites.

Dear visitors! Every year, around the world the date April 18 is celebrated as the International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites. This significant day was established by UNESCO in 1983 at the...
Genocide Memorial Complex in Guba city 31.03.2021

March 31 is the Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis

 March 31 is the Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis, commemorating the victims of the bloody massacre perpetrated by Armenians against Azerbaijanis in March 1918. 103 years ago in March-April 1918,...
Genocide Memorial Complex in Guba city 29.03.2021

From the pen of our historians: a look at the 1918 genocide against Azerbaijanis

From the pen of our historians: a look at the 1918 genocide against Azerbaijanis Firdovsiya Ahmadova: “The main reasons for the massacres committed in the areas of Azerbaijan in 1918 were: complete...
Genocide Memorial Complex in Guba city 29.03.2021

From the pen of our historians: a look at the genocides committed by the Armenian Dashnaks against the Azerbaijanis in 1918 #genocide

Solmaz Rustamova-Tohidi: The most painful, bloodiest, most tragic moment in the history of the twentieth century is the beginning of a series of events in which the existence of our people and...
Genocide Memorial Complex in Guba city 24.09.2022

The Palace of Panah Ali Khan Javanshir Khan of Karabakh . #ArmenianVandalism

The Palace of Panah Ali Khan Javanshir Khan of Karabakh and founder of Shusha. It was destroyed by the Armenians in 1992. They used such an amazing palace for feeding cattle, pigs....
Genocide Memorial Complex in Guba city 16.03.2021

The Bread Museum in Aghdam. Azerbaijan 1983.

The Bread Museum built in Azerbaijan city Aghdam, received its first visitor on November 25, 1983. During the Soviet era, the museum preserved as a monument of local culture. In addition to the...
Genocide Memorial Complex in Guba city 02.03.2021

KHOJALY GENOCIDE 26 february 1992

The Khojaly genocide -it is an assassination as a minimum of 613 people, mainly of the civil population, of Azerbaijani origin in the city of Khojaly. It was done by Armenian armed formations...
Genocide Memorial Complex in Guba city 16.02.2021

Treaty of Turkmenchay 1828

Turkmenchay Peace Agreement - February 10, 1828 At the end of the 18th century, the Gajars, an Azerbaijani-Turkish dynasty (1796-1925), came to power in Iran and began a policy of re-subordinating...
Genocide Memorial Complex in Guba city 08.02.2021

الترحيل الأولي للأتراك الأذربيجانيين فى سنوات (1801-1807)

الترحيل الأولي للأتراك الأذربيجانيين فى سنوات (1801-1807) وقعت الفترة الأولى للترحيل الأذربيجانيين من غرب أذربيجان (أراضى أرمينيا الحالية) في عام 1801. حيث بدأ روسيا فى إلحاق شرق جورجيا لأراضيها...
Genocide Memorial Complex in Guba city 08.02.2021

Initial deportation of Azerbaijanis. (1801-1807)

Initial deportation of Azerbaijanis. (1801-1807) The first period of exile of Azerbaijani Turks from Western Azerbaijan - the territory of present-day Armenia - began in 1801 with the annexation of...
Maribor Museum of National Liberation 07.02.2021

Moč kulture - kultura dialoga

Muzej narodne osvoboditve Maribor se na kulturni praznik pridružuje pobudi Skupnosti občin Slovenije in 8. februar posveča kulturi dialoga. Ker je ta porazna prav na spletu, našo akcijo spremljajte...