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April 18th marks the International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites.

Genocide Memorial Complex in Guba city

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The Anig Village Mosque. April 18 is the International Day of monuments and historical sites

Genocide Memorial Complex in Guba city

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Momina Khatun sepulcher. April 18th is the International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites.

Genocide Memorial Complex in Guba city

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106th anniversary of the 1918 genocide of Azerbaijanis,

Genocide Memorial Complex in Guba city

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All stories

Božidar Jakac Art Museum 05.04.2020
Božidar Jakac Art Museum 05.04.2020

Important Announcement

Dear visitors, Due to the decree of the Slovenian Ministry of Health and the urgent recommendation of the Slovenian Ministry of Culture, Božidar Jakac Art Museum, Lamut’s Art Salon and Tourist...
Maribor Museum of National Liberation 26.03.2020

Obvestilo pedagoškim delavcem

Spoštovani na žalost nas je pandemija COVID-19 vse zaprla v hiše in vaše ter naše delo je močno okrnjeno. Trudim se, da kljub temu delimo vsebine, ki bi vam morda pri pouku zgodovine lahko...
Maribor Museum of National Liberation 09.03.2020

Obvestilo za javnost

Spoštovani obiskovalci Dobrodošli v Muzeju narodne osvoboditve Maribor, kjer na vas in vaše zdravje pazimo tako, da v službo ne prihajamo bolni. Prosimo vas, da tudi vi pazite na nas. V kolikor...
Slovenian School Museum 23.01.2020

100 letnica organiziranega izobraževanja slepih in slabovidnih

Radio Prvi, oddaja Sledi časa, 100-letnica organiziranega izobraževanja slepih in slabovidnih, novinarka Petra Medved, kustosinja Polona Koželj, 19.1.2020 ...
National Science and Media Museum 03.07.2020

Robert Paul and the race to invent cinema

Robert Paul was one of the most important and prolific figures in Victorian cinema. Discover how this forgotten pioneer of cinematography created equipment, business practices and...
Maribor Museum of National Liberation 13.01.2020

Memories with Jerneja

Ethnologist dr. Jerneja Ferlež will be at the Kiosk every third monday and she will collect your memories. You can talk to her or write your memories down. Memories can involve the Kiosk or any part...
Maribor Museum of National Liberation 27.12.2019

Delovni čas Trafike med prazniki

Spoštovani med prazniki bo Trafika - Muzej za enega delovala po spremenjenem delovnem času: 24.12.2019 - 10.00 - 14.00 25.12.2019 - ZAPRTO 26.12.2019 - ZAPRTO 27.12.2019 - ZAPRTO 28.12.2019 - 9.00 -...
Maribor Museum of National Liberation 18.12.2019

Delovni čas Fotografskega muzeja med prazniki

Spoštovani Delovni čas Fotografskega muzeja med prazniki bo: 24.12.2019 - ZAPRTO 25.12.2019 - ZAPRTO 26.12.2019 - ZAPRTO 27.12.2019 – 9.00 do 16.00 30.12.2019 – 9.00 DO 16.00 31.12.2019 - ZAPRTO...
Maribor Museum of National Liberation 18.12.2019

Delovni čas muzeja med prazniki

Spoštovani delovni čas Muzeja narodne osvoboditve Maribor med prazniki: 24.12.2019 - 8.00 do 14.00 25.12.2019 - ZAPRTO 26.12.2019 - ZAPRTO 27.12.2019 - 8.00 do 17.00 28.12.2019 - 9.00 do 12.00...
Maribor Museum of National Liberation 29.10.2019

Muzej, to sem jaz!

Spoštovani obiskovalci, prijatelji muzeja in vsi tisti, ki v muzej (še) ne zahajate V muzeju te dni oddajamo program za leto 2020. Ob vsem delu, ki ga opravljamo »za kulisami« in ga vi večinoma ne...
Ptuj Ormož Regional Museum 11.10.2019


Ptujski grajski kompleks, ki ga upravlja Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj – Ormož, je edinstven v več pogledih, ptujska veduta z gradom pa je zagotovo ena najlepših v Sloveniji in širše. V gradu, ki je...
Maribor Museum of National Liberation 26.08.2019

Razstavljanje v fotografskem muzeju v 2020

Fotografski muzej Maribor, ki ima razstavne prostore na Koroški cesti 19, pripravlja občasni razstavni program za leto 2020 . Število razstav v tem letu bo največ 10. Čas trajanja posamezne razstave...
National Science and Media Museum 08.07.2019

From the Moon to your living room: the Apollo 11 broadcast

The Moon landing was one of the biggest television events in history, reaching an estimated 650 million viewers. Discover the story of the planning and technological development that led to this...
Slovenian School Museum 29.05.2019

Pogovor nekdanje dijakinje s profesoricama

Profesorico  Bogomiro Kure poznajo številni, saj je dolga leta poučevala na črnomaljski gimnaziji in se kot slavistka trudila pri dijakih vzbuditi spoštljiv odnos do lepe slovenske besede. Pred...
Maribor Museum of National Liberation 09.01.2019

Odprtje razstave Iskrene podobe

Fotografski muzej Maribor in Fotografska zveza Slovenije vabita k ogledu fotografske razstave mladih ustvarjalcev z naslovom ISKRENE PODOBE. Otvoritev bo v četrtek, 10. 1. 2019 ob 17. uri v prostorih...
BY EUROPEANA 11.12.2018

Ivan Cankar – The Writer, The Migrant

Zala Mojca Jerman Kuželički of National and University Library in Slovenia introduces us to Ivan Cankar, who died 100 years ago today and is regarded as the greatest writer in the Slovene language....
BY EUROPEANA 06.12.2018

Iberian iconography and rituals

Last week we focused on a high-level view of the of the Iberian peoples in our blog  History of the Iberians . Here we focus on the iconography shown in art and objects from archaeological research,...
BY EUROPEANA 04.12.2018

Pizza: a slice of migration history

Pizza – possibly one of the most popular, tasty and simple things you can have for dinner tonight. But behind its simplicity lies a much more complex history – this is the tale of the...