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April 18th marks the International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites.

Genocide Memorial Complex in Guba city

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The Anig Village Mosque. April 18 is the International Day of monuments and historical sites

Genocide Memorial Complex in Guba city

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Momina Khatun sepulcher. April 18th is the International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites.

Genocide Memorial Complex in Guba city

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106th anniversary of the 1918 genocide of Azerbaijanis,

Genocide Memorial Complex in Guba city

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All stories

Ptuj Ormož Regional Museum 25.11.2020


Predstavljamo pravkar izdan zbornik Umetnost Ptuja in ptujski umetniki, ki je plod širšega sodelovanja, saj so prispevke, ki prinašajo številna nova spoznanja o umetnosti in umetnikih našega mesta,...
Maribor Museum of National Liberation 23.11.2020

Rudolf Maister' Day

At the end of October 1918, the National Council for Styria achieved that the State governorship in Graz named Slovenians for leaders of county districts in Slovenian Styria. The Slovenians took...
Ptuj Ormož Regional Museum 09.11.2020

Tapiserije Marija Preglja končno v lasti PMPO

Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj – Ormož je že od leta 2000, ko je sprejel v restavratorski atelje za tekstil cikel osmih Pregljevih tapiserij, povezan z dolgo zgodbo reševanja dragocene umetniške zbirke...
Genocide Memorial Complex in Guba city 07.09.2020


According to historians, Peter I laid the foundations of the large-scale resettlement of Armenians to the lands of Azerbaijan. This is also mentioned in the collection of documents “Russian Herald,”...
Slovenian School Museum 12.08.2020

Brošura Pedagoški programi 2020/2021

Brošura Pedagoški programi 2020/2021
Maribor Museum of National Liberation 06.07.2020
National Science and Media Museum 03.07.2020

A very short history of cinema

This short history explores the development of cinema: its invention and early formats; the rise of the film industry; the addition of colour and sound; the Golden Age of Cinema; competing with...
Slovenian School Museum 01.07.2020

Pozabljene Ljubljančanke: Vita Zupančič, predana učiteljica gluhonemih

Vita Zupančič je opravljala več družbeno pomembnih vlog. Triindvajset let je bila predana učiteljica gluhonemih in ob tem opozarjala na nestrpnosti slišečih. Prizadevala pa si je tudi, da bi...
Maribor Museum of National Liberation 13.05.2020


Če se človek štirideset let po njegovi smrti loti spominskega zapisa o Josipu Brozu tvega, da ga bodo kaj hitro označili (v najboljšem primeru) za jugonostalgika, zna pa biti deležen še mnogo bolj...
Museum of the Leather Industry in Slovenia 12.05.2020
Božidar Jakac Art Museum 03.05.2020

France Gorše: Izidor Cankar

Izidor Cankar (22. april 1886‒1958) je bil umetnostni zgodovinar, duhovnik, diplomat, pisatelj, prevajalec, urednik in intelektualec. Rodil se je v Šidu v Vojvodini (Srbija) in prišel pri enajstih...
Božidar Jakac Art Museum 28.04.2020
Božidar Jakac Art Museum 28.04.2020
Maribor Museum of National Liberation 16.04.2020


Dear visitors Due to COVID-19 pandemics, museum is closed. If you need us, you can reach us on osebje@mnom.si . Hope we will meet again very soon. dr. Aleksandra Berberih-Slana
Maribor Museum of National Liberation 16.04.2020


Dear visitors Due to COVID-19 pandemics, museum is closed. If you need us, you can reach us on osebje@mnom.si . Hope we will meet again very soon. dr. Aleksandra Berberih-Slana
Božidar Jakac Art Museum 14.04.2020

Cisterscapes – Cistercijanske pokrajine povezujejo Evropo

Galerija Božidar Jakac Kostanjevica na Krki in Muzej krščanstva na Slovenskem iz Stične sta se v letu 2019, ob finančni podpori Ministrstva za kulturo RS, vključili v triletni mednarodni projekt...
Božidar Jakac Art Museum 14.04.2020
Božidar Jakac Art Museum 05.04.2020

Zoran Didek: Landscape in Green

Zoran Didek POKRAJINA V ZELENEM, 1975 olje, platno Inv. št: ZD 4117 "Zoran Didek je vse življenje izkazoval notranjo navezanost na kraje od koder je po rodu prihajala njegovi mati. Dolenjska...