The museum MIAPCR MUSEUM Musée International d'Art Post-Contemporain en Résistance, member of the Argentine Museums Registry RMA of the Secretariat of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture of the Argentine Republic, member of the Ibero-American Museums Registry (RMI) Madrid - Spain and Declared of Municipal Interest by the Municipal Council of the city of Rosario under Decree 62,859 and Declared of Provincial Interest by the Senate of the Province of Santa Fe, Declaration Project Senate of the Argentine Nation S-3257-22, as a free and non-profit 3D Immersive and Itinerant Art Museum, with a heritage of 4,000 works of art in its permanent collection. Likewise, the MIAPCR MUSEUM is an associate member of Google Arts & Culture, where works of art and collections are exhibited worldwide, and associated with RFI Radio France Internationale, a museum that can be heard through its Art Podcasts on any mobile device, 24 hours a day, in the museum's virtual headquarters. "The MIAPCR MUSEUM offers the fusion of Art and technology in its collectible Post-Contemporary Urban Art Works at the forefront of 21st Century art" The MIAPCR MUSEUM is a traveling virtual urban art museum, founded on May 18, 2021 on International Museum Day, where art and social technology respond to the reality that humanity is experiencing in these times. since 2000, 21st Century Art - Post-Contemporary, Emerging and Digital Art, a total digital revolution in the means of artistic production; with technology as the vanguard of art in artistic creation and commitment from urban art.


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