The Great Hall

The Great Hall of Dinosaurs is the centerpiece of the Yale Peabody Museum. Featuring skeletons from the Museum’s world-renowned paleontology collections, it is also home to Rudolph Zallinger’s famous mural The Age of Reptiles.

For more information visit: The Great Hall

Exhibitions and events

Fossil Fragments: The Riddle of Human Origins

Permanent exhibition

Fossil Fragments: The Riddle of Human Origins , a new permanent exhibition at the Yale Peabody Museum, tells the story of the continuing scientific search for our ancestry, and of what we know of...

Discovery Room

Permanent exhibition

Image Above: Photo by Alex Wild The Discovery Room is one of the most popular destinations at the Yale Peabody Museum, visited by more than 60,000 people a year. Full of touchable specimens and...

The Hall of Native American Cultures

Permanent exhibition

The Hall of Native American Cultures showcases 360 objects from the Peabody’s substantial Native American collections in the   Division of Anthropology.   The latest installations of...

The Hall of Mammalian Evolution

Permanent exhibition

Image Above: The Otisville Mastodon (skull) Mammut americanus YPM catalog no. 12600 The fossils in this hall, from the Yale Peabody Museum’s collections in the Division of Vertebrate...

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