Summer Schools at the Franko House

Similarly to other countries of the world, the role of informal education is increasing in Ukraine. That is why Franko House is trying to develop this direction, in particular by organizing summer schools. A summer school is a short but intense learning course, which helps you learn new things, get new skills and make new acquaintances through a more profound understanding of the topic of the school and a wide range of events.
In 2018, the Museum organized a Franko Studies Summer School for the pupils of 9-11 grades and in 2019 it was a school for museum leaders – Teenager at the Museum, for pupils of 6-8 grades. The objective of both schools is to show school pupils the life and creativity of Ivan Franko as well as modern trends in the museum business. Study courses included lectures, recitals, seminars, intellectual games, excursions, master classes, workshops, meetings etc.
Key objectives of summer schools:
  1. Educational: promoting the development of critical thinking and creativity, developing new skills, discovering talents of the children via interactive learning.

  2. Integration: getting to know each other, overcoming stereotypes and establishing friendly ties, integration of youth from different regions of Ukraine.

  3. Commemorative: commemoration of the outstanding figure of Ivan Franko in a contemporary and interesting way, actualization of his creative legacy in accordance with the challenges of today.

  4. Axiological: encouraging pupils for self-growth and serving others using the example of Ivan Franko.

Franko House plans to continue organizing summer schools that is why we welcome financial support and organizational partnership.
Project coordinators: Tetiana Prodan ( and Ihor Medvid (
Radio interview with coordinator and school participants:
News clip:
Video interview with coordinators and school participants:

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