Semper tiro

In the "Semper Tiro" verse (“Always a Pupil”) Ivan Franko writes about modest skill, which is always open to learning and self-improvement. The open series of lectures "Semper Tiro" at the Franko House is a platform for exchange of valuable practical experience in different professional (and not only) spheres.
If you are passionate about your job and in that passion of yours you have acquired understanding and skills, which you want to share to make the world a bit better, then You can become our next lecturer for the Semper Tiro cycle. Indeed, it is the love that is shared and a fine example that are the best teachers.
Project manager – Mykhailo Kobryn.

Exhibitions and events from this museum

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Activities from this museum

Semper tiro

In the "Semper Tiro" verse (“Always a Pupil”) Ivan Franko writes about modest...

Intellectual biography

Each conversation in the Intellectual Biography series is a relaxed tour along...

Philosophical breakfasts

For the third time in a row, Franko House starts the Day of the City of Lviv...

Summer Schools at the Franko House

Similarly to other countries of the world, the role of informal education is...


Even though a museum is a house of muses, music itself is not played here very...

My Franko

Sooner or later, each Ukrainian learns about Ivan Franko. For some of us he...

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