Science center

Science is a part of society’s culture. Modern world is developing rapidly that has influenced human life greatly or has even changed it; for instance, sciences such as nanotechnology, genetics, biotechnology and space science. Building a scientific knowledge base society is essential; to do so, each society is required to complete its official educational system and infrastructure, so that, educating and learning might be attractive and practical. In fact, science centers are considered as one of these infrastructures and a powerful media for popularization of science and inciting scientific spirit all around the world. These centers have a profound impact on the advancement of science in the community. Science center’s main effort is to introduce main concepts in various branches of basic science by means of interactive devices, attractive experiments and educational videos including optics and laser, mechanics, electricity and electromagnetism  and tries to describe the wonders of science  and introduces the world's leading scholars such as Archimedes, Newton, Einstein, etc.

Keywords: Science-center

Exhibitions and events

Indigenous Technologies

Permanent exhibition

From ancient time, Iran has been the origin of indigenous technologies and each of these technologies is used as the base for modern technologies in other countries. Indigenous knowledge is one part...

Surgical instruments

Permanent exhibition

Surgical instruments exhibit demonstrates the advance of surgery in the Islamic civilization by reconstruction and demonstration of some of these instruments and their usage over time. These...

Alternative Energy

Permanent exhibition

Today we hear that fossil fuels must be replaced by clean energy.Clean energy implies, rather clearly, that the use of these energy sources creates less pollution (i.e. solar and wind energy).This...

Morse to Mobile

Permanent exhibition

Inclination to communicate with others is considered as one of the main human traits; it is perhaps due to this inclination that today, communication networks have transformed the world into a...

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Activities from this museum

Digestive show

Digestive show is a charming and short journey to the digestive system of...

Super-cooled science!

Super-cooled science! A fun and explosive show based upon the science of the...

Detective Science Games

Enjoy detective games and activities for kids that challenge you to solve a...

Science show

Physics, one of the knowledges of nature involves observing phenomena and...

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