In 1846, Sir Anton Lavrin, the Austrian general consul in Egypt, gave to what was then the Museum of the Province of Carniola in Ljubljana an Egyptian mummy in a painted wooden anthropomorphic...
Na ogled je zbirka več kot 200 kamnitih spomenikov z rimskimi latinskimi napisi, polna informacij o spomenikih in rimskem obdobju na slovenskem ozemlju. Narodni muzej Slovenije ima namreč med...
The exhibition presents the history of the Slovenians from the early days of Slavic settlement to the present day. The common thread running through the exhibition is the Slovenian language,...
Po domala dvestotih letih zbiranja vsakovrstnih predmetov, ki so se izdelovali in uporabljali na naših tleh in so značilni in pomembni za Slovenijo in Slovence, je od leta 2008 odprta stalna...
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