The castle chapel, which was newly consecrated in 2016, is located in the north-west defence tower, which was given a new role in the 17th century. The chapel, where quite a few domestic noble daughters were married, displays statues by Ferdinand Gallo, the main representative of late baroque sacral plastic art in Slovenian Styria, and a painting of Janez Nepomuk. Its author is Janez Andrej Strauss from the well-known family of Strauss painters from Slovenj Gradec. The picture, the wooden plastics and the church ornamentation were all located in the old parish church of St. George in Škale until the beginning of 1950s. The church was demolished in 1957 due to coal mining and consequential sinking of the land. Some of the items that were housed here found a new place in the castle chapel.
The collection displays the development of the city of Velenje from 1945 to 1960, when a modern organised city emerged from a small rural market under the Velenje Castle, the so-called “socialist...
In 1964, extensive earthworks were made in Škale pri Velenju due to the sinking of the land. One of the engineers found remains of large bones. The excavations were carried out by the Institute of...
Stalna zbirka sodobne slovenske umetnosti šteje 64 slik in skulptur iz 20. in 21. stoletja in se je od leta 1975 sistematično dopolnjevala in večkrat prenavljala. Zajema dela sodobnega slovenskega...
The exhibited works by the academic sculptor (and designer) Ciril Cesar draw the developmental arch of sculpting design from the classic, formal and in terms of content non-problematic...
The collection represents a reconstruction of a general merchandise store from the first half of the 20th century. The collection is equipped with original furniture from various shops: market...
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