April 18 is the International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites

April 18 International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites.
Sheikh Juneid's shrine is a historical and architectural monument of the early XVI century, located on the territory of Khazra village, Hussar district.
Sheikh Junaid is the grandfather of Shah Ismail Khatai.
Sheikh Junaid's tomb is a square-shaped building measuring 7.23 metres on each side, and there are doors on all four walls. With the exception of the lower parts of the walls, which are covered in glazed tiles, all other wall surfaces, including the stalactites, are covered in clay.
From the history of the struggle between the Shirvanshahs and the rulers of Ardebil it is known that in the battle of 1456 between the Shirvanshahs led by Khalilullah I and the Qizilbashs led by Sheikh Juneid, the leader of the second army was killed in the territory of Hussar district. After the Safavids seized power in Shirvan, a tomb was built over the tomb in the village of Hazra in 1544.

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