Today marks the birthday of Mohammad Amin Rasulzadeh, a prominent social and political figure in Azerbaijan and one of the key architects of the Azerbaijan People's Republic.

Today marks the birthday of Mohammad Amin Rasulzadeh, a prominent social and political figure in Azerbaijan and one of the key architects of the Azerbaijan People's Republic. Born on January 31, 1884, in the Novkhani village of Baku, Rasulzadeh initiated his political journey in 1902 with the establishment of the "Muslim Youth Organization." This organization operated clandestinely, actively opposing Russian colonial rule in Azerbaijan during the early 20th century.
Mohammad Amin Rasulzadeh's early years in revolutionary activities laid the groundwork for the national independence movement and the subsequent formation of the Azerbaijan People's Republic. In the autumn of 1917, due to his political contributions, Rasulzadeh was elected as a deputy from Azerbaijan and Turkestan to the Russian parliament. However, internal factional disputes led to the dissolution of the Transcaucasian Seym, which operated from February 10 to May 26, 1918.
Following the Seym's collapse, Rasulzadeh, at the helm of the Muslim faction composed of members from various parties, founded the Azerbaijan National Council on May 27, 1918. He secured the position of chairman through a majority vote. On May 28, 1918, a telegram was sent to nations worldwide, announcing Azerbaijan's existence and proclaiming the establishment of a national state. This marked the creation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, with Fatali Khan Khoyski leading the government, establishing a democratic republic in the East for the first time.
After the Soviet occupation of Azerbaijan on April 28, 1920, Mohammad Amin Rasulzadeh was compelled to leave his homeland. For years, he tirelessly advocated for Azerbaijan's freedom while in exile. Sadly, Rasulzadeh died from diabetes on March 6, 1955, in Ankara, leaving behind a legacy as a key figure in Azerbaijan's pursuit of independence.

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