Railway Museum of Slovenian Railways

Železniški muzej Slovenskih železnic

In 1981, Slovenian railway officials establishedthe Railway Museum in the former boiler room Ljubljana Šiška as the Section for the Museum Activity of the Railway Economy of Ljubljana. First, only the vehicle collection was open to public. The latter was situated in the rotunda (semi-circular shed for locomotives), i.e. in the central part of the former boiler room, which was later proclaimed a cultural monument.

In 1996 the Slovenian Railway Museum presented an exhibition of main professional railway sectors at a temporary location in the nearby Kurilniška 3. The new permanent exhibition was put on display in the vicinity of the rotunda in 2004. The permanent exhibition called “Development of the Railway Network”, together with the main professional sectors exhibited on five different locations, present a traffic control office, rail building and maintenance, railway network development, connections, uniforms and protective signal devices. The great hall (former workshop) houses the 10 most valuable steam engines from the museum collection.

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