National Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia

Muzej novejše in sodobne zgodovine Slovenije

The National Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia is the central state institution for Slovenian history from the 20th century to the present day. We preserve cultural and historical heritage and study topics of political, social, economic and cultural life from the entire ethnic territory of Slovenia and beyond. The history of Slovenians is presented in the permanent exhibition Slovenians in the 20th Century, which is expanded with temporary exhibitions that reveal in more detail the various topics and periods of Slovenian history.

We highlight the landmark events, everyday life, social changes and cultural and artistic developments that have shaped our country and its people. Through contemporary approaches, interactive exhibitions and the involvement of a wide audience, we create unique projects and immersive experiences that promote understanding of the past, reflection on the present and the creation of a better and more responsible attitude towards the future.

The museum prepares guest exhibitions in Slovenia and abroad.

Other venues

Exhibitions and events

Slovenians in the 20th Century

Permanent exhibition

How well do you know Slovenian history? The 20th century is one of the most turbulent periods in the nation’s history. During this time, the territory of today’s Slovenia was part of several...

Slovenci v XX. stoletju

Permanent exhibition

Kako dobro poznate slovensko zgodovino? 20. stoletje sodi med najburnejša obdobja slovenske zgodovine. Slovenci smo v tem času zamenjali nekaj držav in državnih ureditev, preživeli dve svetovni...

Educational programs



ROJSTNODNEVNE ZABAVE ZA OTROKE V MUZEJU Odličen in zabaven način praznovanja Rojstni dan je poseben dogodek, ki se zapiše v osebno zgodovino vsakega slavljenca. Pri praznovanju in ujetju teh...


14. 10. 2010

Zbirka Edija Šelhausa v Muzeju novejše zgodovine Slovenije

National Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia

V Muzeju novejše zgodovine Slovenije že nekaj desetletij hranimo 2.026 originalnih Šelhausovih črno-belih negativov iz 2. svetovne vojne in...

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