Muzej narodne osvoboditve Maribor
The Museum of National Liberation of Maribor has been functioning as an autonomous museum since 1958. It is a historical museum dealing primarily with museological and historiographical analyses of the recent history of the North-Eastern parts of Slovenia.
The Museum is located in a town villa that was built by a Maribor entrepreneur Scherbaum in the middle of 1890’s. It contains not only extremely diverse and interesting museum collections, but also a rich photo library and archive. Visitors may walk through the Scherbaum villa and admire its neo-Baroque salon. The Museum is also planning on complementing the permanent exhibition with an exhibition of important people whose contribution was essential for shaping the history of Maribor and its surroundings.
The new collection will present the major turning points of the 20th century – First and Second World War, Independence War, lives of local inhabitants, misery of simple people whose lives, though residing in the same city, were totally different from those of the wealthier classes.
Shhh! Due to the secret nature of this data, we cannot disclose everything in this invitation, so we'd like you to join us at the opening of our permanent exhibition.
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