Museum of Fine Arts of Montenegro

Umjetnički muzej Crne Gore

The Art Gallery was founded in Cetinje in 1950. As the oldest and most respectable institution, its task is: to study the development of fine arts; to collect, keep and exhibit pieces of artistic value; and, by an adequate selection of works, to offer the most comprehensive overview of the most significant achievements in fine arts. In the beginning it operated within the State Library, and then independently from 1952 to 1963, when it was integrated with the other Cetinje museums into an institution called the General Museum of Montenegro (Museums Cetinje, 1965), renamed the National Museum of Montenegro (1992). During the seventies, the Art Gallery grew into the Art Museum of Montenegro, currently keeping the collection of around 2,800 exhibits, including some capital works of contemporary Yugoslav and Montenegrin fine arts. The diversity and wealth of the collection led to its classification into the following sub-collections: the Collection of Reproductions of Frescoes, the Collection of Icons, the Collection of Montenegrin Fine Arts, the Collection of Yugoslav Fine Arts, the Collection of Foreign Artists, the Collection of Milica Sarić Vukmanović and Svetozar Vukmanović Tempo, the Collection of Caricatures, the Collection of Legacies, and the collections within the gallery “The Yugoslav Artists to Njegoš”: fine art, applied art, and naïve art. In accordance with the exhibition space available to the Art Museum of Montenegro, the permanent exhibition of the National gallery in Vladin Dom includes the Collections of Montenegrin and Yugoslav Art, the Collection of Icons and the Collection of Milica and Svetozar Vukmanović Tempo.

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