ifa Gallery Berlin

ifa-Galerie Berlin

The ifa Galleries show the visual arts, architecture and design of a globalized world. They have been addressing contemporary art and current cultural and socio-political developments in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe since 1971 in Stuttgart and since 1990 in Berlin. Exhibition series afford insight into art scenes all over the world and reach across national borders. Conversations, lectures and discussions allow visitors direct contact with artists and curators.

In 2020/2021 ifa Gallery Berlin invites visitors to take part in a discourse on colonial legacies, movement, migration and environment with the transdisciplinary project 'Untie to Tie'. In the final phase 'Environment' international positions that look on the consequences colonisation and globalisation have had for the environment will be introduced. In their work activists, researchers, collectives, artists and curators encounter local forms of resistance by those seeking to oppose land appropriation. The shown positions are part of movements which are striving to preserve concepts of living and ensure their survival into the future.

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