The world of minerals and rocks

The exhibition "The world of minerals and rocks" presents the minerals and rocks from which our planet was built. In addition to minerals and rocks that are characteristic of Serbia, the item also contains extremely rare mineral specimens, which makes it exclusive. One of the most attractive exhibits is the mineral Jadarite, which has so far been found only on the territory of our country, which according to its chemical composition corresponds to the famous Kryptonite from Superman's comics.

Minerals and rocks are an inseparable part of man's everyday life and the environment in which he lives and works. Their significance stems from the influence that they have on the life of man in the widest sense. Minerals and rocks are the essential part of the food chain, because it is the material from which the soil originates. Houses and roads are made from minerals and rocks. We extract useful and precious metals from them, and many minerals and rocks are used in nutrition and pharmacy. Through exclusive copies, each visitor will be able to get acquainted with mineral characteristics, their appearance, properties, construction, use, etc.

Exhibitions and events

The World of Dinosaurs

Permanent exhibition

The exhibition  "The World of Dinosaurs"  is located in the central part of the building. The paleontological setting consists of seven skeletons of different types of dinosaurs, which in a...

Biodiversity of Serbia

Permanent exhibition

The exhibition  "Biodiversity of Serbia"  represents the richness of the flora and fauna of our country. All types are original and made with special preparatory methods. They are located...

The Volcano

Permanent exhibition

The exhibition  "Volcano"  is located in the park of the Natural History Center of Serbia in the model of "real" volcano, about 10 meters high. In the interior of this volcano there is a...

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