Tolmin Museum

Tolminski muzej

The Tolmin Museum is located in the Coronini Manor in the very centre of Tolmin. Geographically it covers the area of three municipalities (Tolmin, Kobarid and Bovec), while professionally it covers the fields of archaeology, history, ethnology and art history.

The permanent exhibition “Posočje and its Historical Heritage“ introduces visitors to the rich cultural heritage of the Posočje region. The vast Archaeological Exhibition presents the earliest settlement periods of the Posočje region, from the prehistoric times to the beginning of the Middle Ages. Special emphasis is put on the most important archaeological site, i.e. the “Santa Lucia” Culture from the area of the present-day Most na Soči.

The Historical and Ethnological Collection offers an attractive and vivid presentation of peasant uprisings, especially the famous Tolmin revolt; it also presents the domestic culture and daily lives of former Tolmin inhabitants. It shows us how their consciousness had gradually awakened and portrays war atrocities they had to endure. The permanent collection also hosts the Sacral Art Collection. The Art History Collection contains numerous pictures, statues and frescoes.

Exhibitions and events

Rojstna hiša Simona Gregorčiča

Permanent exhibition

V vasi Vrsno pod Krnom je bil v družini srednje premožnega kmeta rojen duhovnik, pesnik, prevajalec in narodni buditelj Simon Gregorčič (1844-1906). V njegovem domu je Muzejsko društvo iz Tolmina...

Od planine do Planike

Permanent exhibition Od planine do Planike Kobarid, Mlekarna Planika V Mlekarni Planika Kobarid je Tolminski muzej postavil stalno...

Naplavine obsoške zgodovine

Permanent exhibition

V Tolminskem muzeju si lahko ogledate stalno razstavo Naplavine obsoške zgodovine . Razstava je razdeljena na tri sklope. Prvi, arheološki del v prvem nadstropju, je namenjen...

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