This collection mainly focuses on the evolution of information medium for Xiyu Pagoda Lighthouse. In addition, the collection will also display several archival materials - from historical documents to contemporary artworks - to show the evolution of traditional Chinese information mediums. Highlight of Exhibition items  (A Collaborative Exhibition of Rare Books and archival documents) 1. 清 蔣元樞 撰 乾隆四十三年 (1778) 《捐建澎湖西嶼浮圖》【重修台郡各建築圖說】冊頁 紙本彩繪 橫95.1 × 縱43.9 cm (數位掃描影幅) 2. 清 蔣元樞 撰 乾隆四十三年 (1778)...
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1 - 5 of 5 objects

-: Finance, Public – China – Statistics

-: To the Lighthouse

-: Peng Hu Xu Bian

-: Peng Hu Ting Zhi

-: Mao Ta in Si Ku Quan Shu

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