Brusa Bezistan

Brusa bezistan

The Brusa Bezistan comes from the Turkish word, meaning Clothing Market. It was built in 1551 by Rustem-pasa, the grand vizier of the Sultan Sulejman the Magnificent. This beautiful building was constructed for the purposes of trading with the fine silk that was produced in Anatolian city of Bursa. That is how it get the name of Brusa Bezistan.

Brusa Bezistan was constructed as a cube made of stones and covered by the roof consisting of 6 large and 2 small domes.

Permanent exhibit offers an entire overview of a rich history of Sarajevo spanning from ancient times to the end of Austro-Hungarian period. Archeological material is divided in three separate parts: prehistory, Ancient times and the Middle age. On the museum gallery the most expensive equipment of the Ottoman soldier is exhibited.

Brusa Bezistan is located in the heart of Sarajevo, in the old part called Baščaršija.

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