Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Historijski muzej Bosne i Hercegovine

The Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina was founded on 13th November 1945. Since 1963 the museum is situated in a building specially built for such purpose.

Museum changed its name several times and cronologically expanded the borders of its research and collecting work towards past and present. In 1949 the museum was named Museum of National Revolution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in 1967 Museum of Revolution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and finally, by the Law on Museum activity, adopted in June 1993, museum was renamed to Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Thematic structure of museum, as a central institution for researching and museological display of history of Bosnia and Herzegovina takes period from the coming of Slavs to the Balkan Peninsula, creating the first medieval South Slavic states, and in particular - the Medieval Bosnian State (Bosnia as a regional unit ruled by a ban, and Bosnia as a Kingdom), Bosnia under Otoman rule (1463-1878), period of Austro-Hungarian rule (1878-1918), Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1918-1945, Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1945-1990, and particular area of researching and presentation is period Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1990 until present.

With its work of researching and collecting, which is the permanent activity of the museum since it was founded, it established a fund with approximatelly 400.000 museum items, documents, photographs and art works of different historical value of Bosnia and Herzegovina, many of them rarities. All the museum material is organized into six museum collections: Collection of Archive Documents, Collection of Photographs, Collection of threedimensional objects, Collection of Artworks, Library, and Documentation Center.

In the past 60 years, the museum produced 125 tematic exhibitions, 3 permanent museums displays, and numeruos permanent museum displays of memorial museums.

At the moment, there are two permanent thematic exhibition displayed: "Bosnia and Herzegovina through the centuries" and "Surrounded Sarajevo".

Text source: http://www.muzej.ba/index.php?lang=ba&sel=2; http://www.kunsthalle-berlin.org/Sarajevo/History.html
Foto source: http://img113.imageshack.us/i/historymuseum.jpg/

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