Cankarjev dom

Galerija Cankarjevega doma

Cankarjev dom believes that cultural, artistic and scientific creativity meets the basic condition for attaining spiritual freedom and richer spiritual lives of people and social development.

Our cultural and congress centre presents, produces, co-produces, organises and provides cultural and artistic, congress and other events, state ceremonies, exhibitions and festivals. Since CD is mostly a cultural centre, over two thirds of the available halls are annually reserved for culture and the arts. 

With its programme CD has been attempting at enriching the quality of lives, to form, foster and effectuate cultural and wider national identity and educate the young people in culture and the arts.

CD cooperates with similar cultural institutions at home and abroad in the realisation of contemporary cultural and artistic projects. It has been endeavouring to contribute to the openness of the capital city with its versatile cultural, artistic and scientific events of internationally resounding character. CD believes that Ljubljana is compelling enough as regards its history, tourism and culture to become one of the most significant European cultural and congress centres.

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