Museum of Ribnica

Muzej Ribnica

The first exhibition of traditional woodenware and pottery was opened for public in 1961. In 1990’s the museum activity expanded, and at present it studies and presents the entire history of the Ribnica Valley and its surroundings.

In addition to the already mentioned exhibition “Traditional Wooden Ware and Pottery”, the Museum also hosts the following exhibitions: “Ribnica – Greatness in Smallness” – historical overview of the local history; “Bitter Fight against Foul Witches” – exhibition of witchcraft processes; and “Between Hammer and Anvil” – reconstruction of a smith’s workshop from the vicinity of Ribnica.

Exhibitions and events

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Educational programs

Rokodelske delavnice


15. junija od 18. do 20. ure bodo v Rokodelskem centru Ribnica potekale rokodelske delavnice za otroke, družine in odrasle. Razstave v ribniškem gradu in Rokodelskem centru Ribnica bodo na ta dan...

Javno vodstvo po razstavi Konec je vélike vojne!


15. junija ob 20. uri se pridružite vodstvu po razstavi Konec je vélike vojne! in spoznajte Ribnico v času 1. svetovne vojne. Razstave v ribniškem gradu in Rokodelskem centru Ribnica bodo na ta...

Poletna muzejska noč v Muzeju Ribnica


Razstave v ribniškem gradu in Rokodelskem centru Ribnica bodo na ta dan odprte po rednem odpiralnem času ter od 18.00 do 22.00 ure. Prav tako tudi muzejska trgovina. 18.00-20.00 Rokodelske...

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