Gallery of naïve Artists in Trebnje

Galerija likovnih samorastnikov Trebnje

The city Trebnje is also well known after The Gallery of naïve Artists. This is unique collection of naïve art in Slovenia and one of the most important in the world.

The first Meeting of naïve artist was held in Trebnje in 1968. On behalf of the enthusiasm of the artists to participate and enrich the art collection and the organizer to preserve and to promote naïve art, a gallery was established in the year 1971. Ever since than many solo or group exhibitions were organized and as well biennale of Yugoslavian naïve art was held in Trebnje. At the beginning the art camps and exhibitions were focused on Yugoslavian naïve art. However the annual meetings and exhibitions have soon grown to international scale. So far the gallery has a collection of more than 1200 art works that were executed by more than 304 artists from 40 countries (Europe, Asia, Africa and both Americas).

The gallery has participated and exhibited its collection in different parts of Slovenia, former Yugoslavia, Musée International d'Art Naïf Vicqu and in Insita 94 National Gallery Bratislava. The 25th anniversary of the gallery was celebrated with an exhibition in Cankarjev dom in Ljubljana in the year 1992. In 2007 the gallery issued an extensive catalogue with texts and presentations of the authors in the collection. In all this years the gallery has been professionally supported by well established names in the art world such as dr. Zoran Kržišnik, dr. Mirko Juteršek, Janez Gartnar, Nebojša Tomašević, Aleksander Bassin, Gerhard Ledić, Andrej Pavlovec, Oto Bihalji Merin, Josip Depolo.

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