The treasure house of Slovene and non-European heritage of the everyday and the festive
Man as part of nature and as a civilised being marks in his own way the objects he has made in order to survive or to live better ...
In the permanent exhibition the museum curators and researchers enable their stories to be told - the rich array of purposes for which our predecessors made objects, used them, and through time and space distinguised and changed their forms, driven by the universal striving after survival in the natural environment into which we were born.
The exhibition features also three different types of audiovisual media.
Between Nature and Culture - exhibition ground plan
Objects of Life, Objects of Desire
Water and Earth
Necessary and Unnecessary
Social and Spiritual
A Reflection of Distant Worlds
The permanent exhibition Between Nature and Culture presents the Slovene and non-European cultural heritage held in the Slovene Ethnographic Museum's collections. The exhibition I, We and Others:...
Po dogovoru tudi za dijake za poglobitev določene teme pripravljamo ustvarjalne...
Dijaki vsebino posameznih razstavnih poglavij spoznavajo z enim od tematskih...
Svojevrstna razstava govori o človeku in njegovem umeščanju v svet....
Dijaki spoznavajo stike Slovencev z zunajevropskimi kulturami ter preko...
Z izbranimi predmeti na razstavi dijake popeljemo v življenje naših...
Ustvarjalna delavnica v Lončarskem ateljeju SEM.
Pestrost kulturne dediščine zunajevropskih ljudstev učenci spoznavajo...
Kaj se dogaja s predmeti, ko postanejo muzealija. Kdo in kako skrbi za...
Ogled muzejskih zbirk je dopolnjeno z spoznavanjem posameznih predmetov iz...
Ogled muzejskih zbirk je dopolnjeno z spoznavanjem posameznih predmetov iz...