Slovenian Alpine Museum

Slovenski planinski muzej

In the Slovenian Alpine Museum the past and the future go hand in hand. A rich collection of items with diverse historical stories, rich photographic and archive material, and a comprehensive professional booklet give the visitor the chance to grasp the popularity and importance of the mountaineering activity in the Slovenian territory.

The collections in the new Slovenian Alpine Museum are the result of a long lasting collecting and efforts of individuals and clubs to preserve the memory and love to mountain world and all the activities connected with it. The basis of the Slovenian Alpine Museum presents the Triglav Museum Collection, comprising of objects and documentation, collected all over the Slovenian territory.

Today, the collection of the Slovenian Alpine Museum comprises of more than 2,000 items, of which 450 objects are displayed. And saved in the depots of the Slovenian Alpine Museum, we also keep collections of the archive material, old postcards and photographs, as well as the entire collection of Mountain Journals, from the first edition until today. The Museum library is well stocked with professional literature and literary works. The collections are managed by trained curators, restorers and conservators.

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