National Gallery of Slovenia

Narodna galerija

The National Gallery of Slovenia (Narodna galerija) is the main art museum in Slovenia that holds the country's largest fine art collection from the late medieval period up to the early twentieth century.
It was founded as early as 1918 as the National Gallery Society with the aim of establishing a museum for Slovenian fine arts. First housed in the Kresija Palace, the Gallery relocated to the Narodni dom palace in 1926. A completely reorganised and expanded permanent exhibition of the collections returned to public view in January 2016, following an extensive renovation of the Narodni dom Palace.

Important turning-points in the history of the National Gallery of Slovenia
1918 establishment of the National Gallery Society
1919 acquisition of 5 spaces for permanent collections in Kresija
1925 lease of 7 spaces in the Narodni dom Palace
1928 renovation of 14 spaces for permanent collections
1933 further renovation of the spaces and expansion of the permanent collection
1946 the National Gallery becomes a state institution
1951 sharing of the art fund with the Museum of Modern Art
1981 renovation of the two ground-floor spaces for temporary exhibitions
1988 acquisition of the premises of the Delegates Club
1991 beginning of construction works on the new building
1993 completion of the New Wing
1997 installation in the New Wing of the permanent collection of European painters
1998 renovation of the permanent collection of art in Slovenia, and acquisition of 3 new spaces
2001 construction of the Entrance Hall completed
2008 installation of the Robba Fountain in the Entrance Hall
2016 opening of the renovated Narodni dom Palace and the expanded Permanent Collection

Exhibitions and events

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Educational programs

Dejavnosti za šolske skupine


Izobraževalno delo v galeriji izhaja iz celovitega modela, ki ga nenehno dopolnjujemo in vsebuje različne programe za posamezne starostne skupine. Na obeh stalnih zbirkah, pa tudi na občasnih...

Javna vodstva


Strokovna vodstva kustosov oziroma avtorjev razstav potekajo ob nedeljah ob 11. uri in trajajo eno uro. Izvajamo tudi vodenja za najavljene skupine (vsaj 10 oseb). V eno skupino sprejmemo do 30...



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