Olympic Museum

Olimpijski muzej

The Sarajevo Museum of XIV Winter Olympic Games was officially opened on February 8, 1984 on the day of the Olympic Games. Sarajevo Olympic Museum was one of the first bombed and destroyed cultural institutions in April 1992, at the beginning of the war and destruction of society in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In February 2004, the Olympic Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina celebrated the 20th anniversary of the XIV Winter Olympic Games. It was at that time the Olympic Museum was reconstructed and officially reopened in the presence of Jacques Rogge, president of the International Olympic Committee.

The concept of the Olympic Museum is to present the Olympic spirit and affirm humane values and noble side of sports and culture through accomplishments achieved at the XIV Winter Olympic Games. As noted by the Honorary President for Life of the International Olympic Committee, Juan Antonio Samaranch, the XIV Winter Olympic Games were the best organized Olympic games in the world at the time. The Winter Olympics in Sarajevo were held from February 8 to February 19, 1984, and hosted 49 national Olympic Committees. 1274 athletes competed in six events and 39 sports competitions. Sarajevo was the first host to Winter Olympics in Southeast Europe. The Sarajevo Winter Olympic Games will be remembered by the results achieved by Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean, Katarina Witt, Philip and Steven Maher and Didier Bouvet.

Text source: http://okbih.ba/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=103&Itemid=21&lang=ba; http://www.exploringbosnia.com/default.asp?ItemID=7CBE91DB1ECBB54486218DB0DA0F8CEB
Foto source: http://www.okbih.ba/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=84&Itemid=22&lang=ba

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