Museu Militar de Elvas

The Elvas Military Museum emerged as a result of the  Portuguese Army reorganization in 2006 and occupies the premises of the former Infantry Regiment Nº8 designated "Quartéis do Casarão" [Saint Domingos Convent (13th Century), King Ferdinand Wall (14th century) and part of the 17th century wall]. It is a unique case in the national museums panorama because their infrastructure are three National Monuments (classified World Heritage Site on 30 June 2012 by UNESCO and the entire city of Elvas). It is also responsible for the Interpretative Center Heritage Elvas (Municipality of Elvas).

The Elvas Military Museum occupies a total of 150.000 m2 and a covered area of 14.000 m2. Currently the exhibit covered area is beyond 3.500 m2.

The museum was oficialy opened on October, 19, 2009, and it has been integrated into the Portuguese Museum Network (Rede Portuguesa de Museus - DGPC) during 2014.

The Elvas Military Museum has itself a high historical burden, constituting an inavaluable heritage where were writen some of the most beautiful pages of of the city of Elvas and Portugal.

Property which is constituted as the largest area of museum deployment in Portugal.

Houses the army Military collections: Harnesses, Health Services, Signals, Military Army Motor Vehicles, Animal-drawn Vehicles, Artillery pieces since the mid19th century and Interpretative Center Heritage Elvas (CMElvas), and the monumentality of its fortifications, the barracks of the Casarão, the fountain of St. Joseph.

Recently, Elvas was classified a World Heritage site as "GARRISON BORDER TOWN OF ELVAS AND ITS FORTIFICATIONS"

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