The Sadat Museum is the first museum in Alexandria to be dedicated to the late President Anwar Sadat. Situated on an area of 260 m2, the museum is part of the BA’s endeavor to document the history of modern Egypt.
Before entering the Museum, visitors watch a Culturama show about President Sadat. Also available for viewing are 12 hours of video content donated by the Egyptian Television. These shots include a number of President Sadat’s speeches; reports given by foreign reporters; the movie Action Biography, which is about President Sadat; a display of all the documents on the Egyptian-Israeli peace process and the October War; and a collection of recordings that were never broadcasted in Egypt or the Arab world.
The Museum features a number of honors and decorations awarded to President Sadat in Egypt and by other countries during various stages of his life in addition to a number of gold, silver, bronze, and copper plates that he and Mrs. Jehan Sadat received as gifts.
The Museum displays a number of medals and a collection of President Sadat’s civilian and military suits, most important of which is the blood-stained military suit he was wearing on the day of his assassination on 6 October 1981.
Also available on display at the Museum is a collection of Sadat’s personal possessions, such as his radio set, his desk, and his personal library containing a collection of very rare books that had been donated to him. Additionally, visitors will find a number of Sadat’s portraits along with a collection of Arabian swords, memorial shields, his personal cane, his pipe, and the abaya he used to wear whenever he visited his birthplace, Mit Abul Kom in northern Egypt.
Among the precious objects donated by Mrs. Sadat to the Museum are the following: three lanterns—Islamic, Christian, and Jewish—that were given to Sadat during his visit to Jerusalem; a recording of the Quran in Sadat's voice; some personal papers, including a short story by Sadat written mostly in his handwriting with some parts copied down by his wife; and a rare collection of visual recordings.
متحف السادات بمكتبة الاسكندرية هو متحف فريد من نوعه اقيم بمبادرة من مكتبة الإسكندرية وبمشاركة أسرة الرئيس الراحل أنور السادات. أقيم المتحف على مساحة 250 مترًا مربعًا في الجزء الجنوبي للمكتبة. وقد خصت السيدة جيهان السادات المتحف بمقتنيات تعرض لأول مرة تقديرًا للمجهود الذي قامت به مكتبة الإسكندرية وتحقيقًا لحلم قديم كانت تريد تحقيقه وهو أن يكون هناك متحف دائم للرئيس الراحل يليق بشخصه وبذكراه.
وسيشاهد الزائر قبل دخول المتحف عرض "بانوراما التراث" (Culturama) عن الرئيس السادات. كما تمت الاستعانة بلقطات فيديو أهداها للمكتبة التليفزيون المصري مجموعها 12 ساعة تضم عددا من الخطابات وتقارير المراسلين الأجانب وفيلم السادات "أكشن بيوجرافي"، مع استعراض لكافة الوثائق الخاصة بعملية السلام المصرية الإسرائيلية وحرب أكتوبر، بالإضافة لمجموعة من التسجيلات التي لم تذع من قبل سواء في مصر أو الدول الأجنبية.
ويتولى مجموعة من المرشدين المتحفيين المدربين تعريف الزائرين بأهم مقتنيات المتحف والإجابة على تساؤلاتهم وتزويدهم بما يحتاجونه من معلومات.
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The Sadat Museum is the first museum in Alexandria to be dedicated to the late President Anwar Sadat. Situated on an area of 260 m2, the museum is part of the...