Women, Hand-Woven Rugs, Home Industry

In some peasant communities wool carpets were major items in a woman's trousseau. They were spread on the beds for display in the front room, used as table covers, served to emphasise the solemnity of an occasion and placed as a background for family photos. In the last third of the 19th century, together with other creations of folk art, scholars and politicians became aware of woven carpets, discovering their aesthetic value and also seeing in them the possibility for integrating peasant work and women's work. The exhibition in the Museum of Ethnography, part of the Uplifting Century national series of programmes, presents carpets made in peasant households in the light of and together with the efforts made in the late 19th century to promote cottage industry.
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Amazonia Paths to the Indians

Permanent exhibition

Amazonia often figures in the news and on the front pages of newspapers. Public attention turns at times to its unmatched natural wealth or the destruction of that wealth, at other times to its...

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