Dinosaurs in Frick

The Sauriermuseum Frick is the only museum in Switzerland that shows a complete skeletton of a plateosaurus found at the clay quary at Frick. Furthermore it shows the first theropod found in Switzerland and a skeletton of the Triassic tortoise Proganochely - all found in Frick. Besides other fossils the museum shows a new film about the discovery of the dinosaur findings in Frick. 
A visit to the museum is not only worthwhile for individuals but also for families and school classes. For groups there are also guided tours available at any weekday.

Exhibitions and events

Activities from this museum

Digging site

Close to the clay quarry a digging site is installed with early Jurassic marine...

Dinosaur path

A dinosaur educational path leads from the museum to the clay quary and the...

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