Umetniška zbirka Galerije Velenje/20. in 21. stoletje

Stalna zbirka sodobne slovenske umetnosti šteje 64 slik in skulptur iz 20. in 21. stoletja in se je od leta 1975 sistematično dopolnjevala in večkrat prenavljala. Zajema dela sodobnega slovenskega slikarstva in kiparstva in je postavljena v štirih zaporednih prostorih. Zbirko uvajajo dela treh velikanov slovenskega impresionizma. Povezovalno jedro pa so modernisti od konca druge svetovne vojne do konca preteklega tisočletja in avtorji lokalnega okolja. Zbirko sklenejo mlajši ustvarjalci slovenskega prostora in lokalnega zaledja. Še vedno se zbirka dopolnjuje in občasno spreminja v postavitvi.

Prvi prostor se začenja z impresionizmom, nadaljuje z Vesnani ekspresionizmom, Novo stvarnostjo, konstruktivizmom in intimizmom (Rihard Jakopič, Matija Jama in Fran Sternen in nadaljujejo Maksim Gaspari , Hinko Smrekar,  Ferdo Vesel, Veno Pilon, Tone Kralj, Nikolaj Omersa, Marij Pregelj,  … ter rojaka kipar Ivan Napotnik in slikar Fran Tratnik.

V drugem prostoru se nadaljuje intimizem, predstavniki Četrte generacije, fantastike ter abstraktna umetnost in nova figuralika (France Mihelič, Božidar Jakac, Elda Piščanec, Miha Maleš, Nikolaj Pirnat, Mira Pregelj, Avgust Lavrenčič, Gabrijel Stupica, Peter Černe, Tone Lapajne, … in seveda avtorji ožjega področja kot Ciril Cesar, Majda Kurnik, Jože Horvat Jaki, Alojz Zavolovšek, Jože Tisnikar, Anton Herman in drugi.

V tretjem prostoru nadaljujejo dela informela in abstraktne avtopoetike umetnikov, ki so nekaj desetletij predstavljali profesorsko bazo Akademije za likovno umetnost, Janez Bernik, Andrej Jemec, Emerik Bernard, France Rotar, Klavdij Zornik, … )

V četrtem prostoru je generacija sodobnih slovenskih slikarjev močno zastopana predvsem z avtorji 21. stoletja, ki so bili nagrajenci dvajsetletnih umetniških ustvarjanj študentov na kolonijah v  Velenju, sedaj že uveljavljenih slikarjev in profesorjev na umetniških srednjih šolah in fakultetah ( Gregor Kokalj, Zmago Lenardič, Dušan Fišer, Damjan Stepančič, Nataša Tajnik, …)

Exhibitions and events


Permanent exhibition

In 1964, extensive earthworks were made in Škale pri Velenju due to the sinking of the land. One of the engineers found remains of large bones. The excavations were carried out by the Institute of...

Between the romanesque and baroque periods

Permanent exhibition

The exhibition presents the area of the Šalek Valley from the first written mentions of the valley in the 12th century to the end of the 17th century, when its medieval society started to disappear....

Castle Chapel

Permanent exhibition

The castle chapel, which was newly consecrated in 2016, is located in the north-west defence tower, which was given a new role in the 17th century. The chapel, where quite a few domestic noble...


Permanent exhibition

The collection displays objects that were collected by the Czech academic sculptor František Foit during his travel and stay in Africa from 1947 to 1971. Everyday objects are on display (small...

Old shop - Reconstruction of a shop with mixed goods from the beginning of the 20th Century

Permanent exhibition

The collection represents a reconstruction of a general merchandise store from the first half of the 20th century. The collection is equipped with original furniture from various shops: market...

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