Agricultural Measures for the Protection of the Black Proteus Habitat

Did you know that the Semič Museum House holds numerous stories of Bela Krajina and Semič? Join our Thematic Evenings, where we will uncover them together!

These evenings will take place at the end of the month during winter, spring, and autumn, focusing on topics inspired by our three permanent exhibitions: The Bela Krajina Nature Centre, Semič in Twenty Pictures, and The Viticulture Collection. Our goal is to engage both younger and older participants, as well as experts, in meaningful discussions. Together, we will explore, share experiences, create new content, and make lasting memories.

The Kulturni Center Semič invites you to a special Thematic Evening at the Semič Museum House, as part of the Green Month in Semič 2025, featuring the presentation of Katarina Vodnik’s master’s thesis:
📅 Wednesday, March 26, at 6 PM
📍 Protocol Room, Semič Museum House

The olm (Proteus anguinus) belongs to the family of cave salamanders (Proteidae) and is also known as the proteus or human fish. It is an aquatic amphibian and the largest cave-dwelling animal. Particularly fascinating is the black olm, which lives exclusively in the shallow karst of Bela Krajina, in an area of about 10 km².

The black olm is an endemic species of the underground waters of the Bela Krajina karst plain, meaning it exists nowhere else in the world. Despite its appearance, it is a true cave animal. It emerges at night in karst springs to feed on small crustaceans and snails. However, the full extent of its underground water habitat, possibly reaching the Poljanska Gora massif, remains unknown. Due to its unique evolutionary adaptations, the species holds significant scientific research value.

Cave life differs greatly from surface conditions—the absence of light, limited food supply, constant temperature, and other environmental factors shape the adaptations of cave-dwelling creatures. These species are typically unpigmented and often translucent, with regressed eyes but highly developed sensory organs for navigation and detecting prey. The black olm is an exception, as it has retained both functional eyes and pigmented skin.

Unfortunately, its habitat is at risk.

Admission is free! Join us for an evening of discovery. Welcome!

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Agricultural Measures for the Protection of the Black Proteus Habitat

Did you know that the Semič Museum House holds numerous stories of Bela...

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