Don Quixote - the ballet classic in Slovenian professional theatres

The 2024/2025 theatre season brings a novelty: a new collaboration between the Slovenian Theatre Institute (SLOGI) and the SNT Opera and Ballet Ljubljana, which builds on the collaboration between SLOGI and SNT Drama Ljubljana that began last season. In the series of lectures and talks, " Insights into the Theatre History ", we will place selected productions of the current season of both Ljubljana's national theatres in a broader historical, artistic and social context. The events, which will take place before the selected premieres, will offer an exclusive insight into the collections of the SLOGI - Theatre Museum and will encourage the audience to reflect on the themes and issues raised by theatre works, their critical reception and performance history before the performances.

A lecture before the premiere of the new Ljubljana production of Don Quixote will present the difference in approaches of individual choreographers and how the productions were received by the audience, while a conversation with ballerinas Regina Križaj, Urša Vidmar and Tjaša Kmetec and choreographer Denis Matvienko will provide an insight into the creation of a ballet role and the different encounters with the ballet template. The event will be organised by Sonja Kerin Krek and Gašper Troha in collaboration with SNT Opera and Ballet Ljubljana and the Slovenian Theatre Institute.

Free tickets can be booked by sending a message to or in person at the Opera Box Office.

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