Prešeren Day with Slovenian Theatre Institute - Theatre Museum

On Thursday, 8 February 2024, Prešeren Day, we cordially invite you to spend this Slovenian cultural holiday also with the Slovenian Theatre Institute - Theatre Museum.

Free admission!


At the Slovenian Theatre Institute - Theatre Museum:


at 10 am

Theatre masks

A playful and creative exploration of theatre history for families before Carnival Saturday. You will learn about theatrical masks and find out where and how they were used in different periods. You will also create your own colourful masks and try your hand at role-playing. More information and to register:


3 pm

Romeo and Juliet in comics

William Shakespeare's eternal love classic will be presented in a new guise, as Romeo and Juliet have been brought to life as comic characters on paper as part of the Classics in the Graphic Novel project. In this workshop, we will learn about the theatrical characteristics of Shakespeare's era, see a comic interpretation of the play and delve into the action with theatrical and creative approaches. The workshop is aimed at both young people and adults. More information and to register:



from 10 am to 4 pm

IN PURSUIT OF A THEATRE. From the Jesuits to Cankar

The permanent exhibition highlights the path Slovenian theatre has followed from the 17th to the 20th century. The grand story starts with the theatre of the reformers and counter-reformers and ends with the performance of the Slovenian playwright of European stature, Ivan Cankar, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. In doing so, it illustrates that all the key turning points and processes along the way are marked either by parallel European processes or by European roots or influences; but at the same time, they are also marked by the emancipation of Slovenian theatre from its over-commitment to the latter - especially at the level of language and national identity.


from 10 am to 4 pm

From our collections. Milan Butina, set designer

The exhibition focuses on Milan Butina's scenographic oeuvre, and features a selection of sketches from our iconotheque collection.


On the Gallus Embankment in Ljubljana


Fragments of love, fragments in time

The exhibition of the Slovenian Theatre Institute - Theatre Museum presents photographically captured theatrical moments that manifest diverse forms of emotional affection in performances of texts by older and contemporary Slovenian playwrights, interpreted by recognisable actors from different Slovenian theatres. The presence of the motif of love in Slovenian drama productions also captures relationships in which devotion to the Other is already approaching its opposite, as well as those that go beyond heteronormative understanding. The span of time shows that the variations of love in the theatre as a reflection of society are inexorably expanding and layering.


On 8 February 2024, the Slovene Drama in Translation portal will be launched on the SiGledal performance portal, where you will be able to find Slovenian drama in translation in one place.


You are cordially invited!

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