medal, Kabul to Kandahar Star, medals, Military, Britain,...
medal, Kabul to Kandahar Star, medals, Military, Britain, British Army
Artist: Birmingham, mint; Date(s): 1881; Classification(s): medal, Kabul to Kandahar Star, medals, Military, Britain, British Army; Acquisition: loan by Cambridge in America, 2005 [LW.0174]
Description: After the initial British success against Amir Sher Ali in Afghanistan in 1878, a British resident was installed in Kabul in 1879, the Amir being sworn (and paid a considerable subsidy) to behave friendlily towards him. This proved no protection against the Resident's murder along with other British residents in September 1879, whereupon war was rejoined.
After a very brief cessation of conflict, in July 1880 Sher Ali's nephew Abdur Rahman was proclaimed Amir by the British, whereupon his cousin Ayub Khan, brother of Shere Ali's son who had been proclaimed by the Afghans in the previous year, rebelled and defeated a British force sent to oppose him at Maiwand. The remains of this force retired back to Kandahar where they were heavily besieged for a month before relief could arrive from Kabul. The relief force, which covered the 110 miles between the two forts in 22 days, and defeated the Afghan army the very next day, which led Queen Victoria to approve the issue of a bronze star for membership of it in 1881. The star, in an echo of the Victoria Cross, was struck from the metal of Afghan guns captured at Kandahar in that decisive battle.
This example of the Star is unnamed, and its recipient therefore unknown, but it is not impossible that it belonged to the recipient of the Afghanistan Medal in the Watson Collection that bears the corresponding clasp for Kandahar, Bugler R. Harris of the 2nd Battalion 60th Foot. There is no way to be certain, however. Lester Watson acquired this piece at some point before 1928.