The Ptuj Collection of Turqueries is placed among the European series of paintings with Turkish motifs that were created after the diplomatic missions to Istanbul. Cultural relations between Europe and the Turks had followed the political happenings and the economic development throughout the centuries. The Turkish military predominance during the 15th and 16th centuries stimulated images of the barbarian enemy of Christianity in the Habsburg Empire. After the Turkish siege of Vienna in 1529...
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1 - 40 of 47 objects

-: Kior Assan paša - Sultan Murat IV

-: Hüseyin paša

-: Sedmograški knez Apafy Mihaly I.

-: Poljski general Potocki

-: Armenka

-: Grkinja - Vladarica Aten

-: Orientalka

-: Afričan

-: Kücük Mehmed paša

-: Tatarski general Ahmed Giray

-: Vlaški knez Gregorio Ghika

-: Sultan Mehmed IV.

-: Judinja

-: Turkinja na konju

-: Orientalka

-: Afričan

-: Kibleli Mustafa paša

-: Sefer Gazi aga

-: Car Aleksej Mihajlovič

-: Spahi

-: Tatarka

-: Vaščanka z otoka Kios

-: Oriental woman

-: Indijanec

-: Sultan Mehmed IV

-: Kozaški general Jurij Hmelnicki

-: Ruski general Aleksej Kovanski

-: Janičar

-: Perzijka

-: Orientalca

-: Afričan - kizlar agasi (?)

-: Indijanka ali Egipčanka (?)

-: Kaplan paša

-: Kozaški general "Iemesgenco"

-: Poljski general Pavel Jan Sapieha

-: Grkinja

-: Turška plesalka

-: Orientalka

-: Afričanka

-: Indijanka

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