1 - 40 of 141 objects

-: handbag

-: bag

-: child's bonnet

-: bonnet

-: sugar box

-: shoe buckle

-: hat case

-: belt clasp

-: embroidered bag

-: bag

-: child's? bonnet

-: infant's boot

-: bracelet

-: 'midget' bustle

-: sugar caster

-: burnous

-: reticule bag

-: doll's bathing dress jacket

-: bonnet

-: infant's boot

-: boy's sailor suit breeches

-: candlestick

-: seal on chain

-: evening mantle

-: bag

-: doll's bathing dress trousers

-: bonnet

-: bowl and cover

-: brooch

-: candlestick

-: chatelaine

-: under butler's suit coat

-: bag

-: doll's bathing dress belt

-: bonnet

-: money box

-: brooch

-: tea cannister

-: belt clasp

-: dinner suit tail coat

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