1241 - 1280 of 36888 objects

-: antoninianus Roman Imperial

-: playing counter (one of a set of 7)

-: Hunterian Items

-: amber; with possible *Homoptera* Cicada...

-: Hunterian Items

-: playing counter (one of a set of 7)

-: antoninianus Roman Imperial

-: playing counter (one of a set of 7)

-: antoninianus Roman Imperial

-: antoninianus Roman Imperial

-: playing counter (one of a set of 7)

-: *Archaeopteris hibernica* (Forbes); in cone

-: antoninianus Roman Imperial

-: playing counter (one of a set of 7)

-: playing counter (one of a set of 7)

-: Hunterian Items

-: playing counter (one of a set of 7)

-: antoninianus Roman Imperial

-: "Adam and Eve" 1901

-: antoninianus Roman Imperial

-: Hunterian Items

-: antoninianus Roman Imperial

-: antoninianus Roman Imperial

-: antoninianus Roman Imperial

-: Hunterian Items

-: antoninianus Roman Imperial

-: *Spongarium*?,

-: antoninianus Roman Imperial

-: spindle whorl

-: *Dickinsonia costata*

-: antoninianus Roman Imperial

-: antoninianus Roman Imperial

-: lamp

-: antoninianus Roman Imperial

-: stone with hollowed centre

-: "Night Wind" 1946

-: disc

-: antoninianus Roman Imperial

-: The Baptism in the Jordan

-: whetstone (or polisher)