I have come to care very much for this painting by Pablo Picasso titled Dora Maar Seated . Dora Maar was a photographer and took photographs of...
Di Dorothy Koppelman Il Panello Sinistro della Legenda della Vera Croce Nella Chiesa di San Francesco in Arezzo La Regina di Saba che Adora il Sacro Legno...
In honor of the Piero della Francesca 600th anniversary celebration, the Terrain Gallery is proud to present this important talk given in 2007 at the Piero...
The first time I saw Alexander Calder’s Lobster Trap and Fish Tail , I loved it! I was 7, and my parents had taken me to the Museum of Modern Art....
Piero della Francesca and Jean Baptiste Camille Corot are, at this moment, both of art: their work is true to art. The immediate effect, however, of a painting...
Surely, this monumental sculpture of a man with his feet on the earth as he rises over seven feet exemplifies that oneness of opposites which Eli Siegel,...