Museum of London

The Museum of London is an award winning, charitable institution, funded by a variety of organisations and individuals including The City of London and GLA.

The Museum of London is an amalgamation of two earlier museums: the Guildhall Museum, founded in 1826 and the London Museum founded in 1912. Both collections came together after the second world war. The new Museum of London opened in 1976.

There are approximately one million items in the Museum’s core collections, plus six million ‘finds’, discovered during archaeological excavations.

The collections are constantly growing as archaeological digs yield new discoveries, and contemporary objects are acquired to ensure we have a record of life in 21st century London.

The collections include:

    • 25,000 items of fashion and textiles
    • 150,000 paintings, prints and photographs of London
    • Europe’s largest archaeological archive including 17,000 skeletons
    • 50,000 objects from prehistoric and Roman London
    • 15,000 objects from Saxon and medieval London
    • 55,000 objects from Tudor and Stuart London
    • 110,000 objects from modern London (the 18th century to today)
    • 1800 life stories from individual Londoners
    • Half a million historic documents, including the archives of the Port of London Authority and Sainsbury’s supermarket.

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