Pforzheim Jewelry Museum

Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim im Reuchlinhaus

Devoted to the history of jewellery, the Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim (Pforzheim Jewellery Museum) is the only museum of its kind worldwide. Some 2000 exhibits, including an extensive ring collection, reveal the vast diversity of jewellery over five thousand years.

From Antiquity to the Present

The collection on permanent display focuses on treasures from Greco-Roman antiquity, the Renaissance and Jugendstil/Art Nouveau as well as contemporary art jewellery. The history of the jewellery industry in the ›golden‹ city of Pforzheim is also surveyed. 

From all over the World

Since the Museum re-opened in spring 2006 after undergoing extensive remodelling, additional fields have been featured: jewellery from the Eva and Peter Herion Collection of Ethnographic Jewellery provides insights into the ways non-European, non-Western societies express themselves in adornment – the island world of Oceania, Nagaland in India or the Near East.

Jewellery on a Chain: Pocket Watches

Ingeniously wrought pocket watches from the collection amassed by the Pforzheim watch manufacturer Philipp Weber document the craft of the watch-maker and goldsmith from the 17th to the 19th centuries – the technical advances made in mechanical watch movements as well as changing fashions and varying national styles in watch design.

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