Brijuni National Park

Nacionalni park Brijuni

The archipelago of Brijuni is an extraordinary blend of natural, historical and cultural heritage. The mild climate and the favourable geographical conditions, deep retracted bays and easily defendable elevated fortifications, have secured a continuum in the human activity on the island from a pre-historic age until the present day. On a relatively small archipelago, of an area of around 7km2, have been registered some hundred sites and buildings of archaeological and cultural-historical value and which comprise the period from the first Neolithic settlements, the dugouts in the bay of Soline, until the creation of an elite summer and health resort at the beginning of the last century and the presidential residency visited by statesmen from one third of the world’s countries in its 25 years of existence (1954-1979).

This concise curriculum vitae of the island, which carefully preserves the traces of 5000 years of human history, makes the legend of its creation even more real and when arriving to the island a part of Heaven discloses in front of our eyes in the unique harmony of the island’s flora, fauna and heritage. A unique bland of the green islands sank into the turquoise-blue sea whose bays and hills are laced with the white Istrian rocks.

Geological-paleontological sites:

- Brijuni Cretaceous park

- Pogledalo

- Ploče

- Zelenikovac

Archaeological sites:

- Hill-fort

- Roman villa in Verige Bay

- Castrum

- St. Mary's Church


- Archaeological collection

- Exhibition of copies of frescoes and Glagolitic inscriptions

- Memories of an old Austrian

- Josip Broz Tito on Brioni

- Natural history collection

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