City Museum of Skopje

Музеј на град Скопје

The museum was founded in 1949. In 1970 the museum adapted a part of the old railway station which has 4500 m2 of which 2.000 m2 is exhibition space.

From then until today it acts as a museum complex that links the activity in the area of archeology, history, ethnology, history of art and the region of Skopje. Besides systematic research, collecting, collating, protection and preservation, the museum carries out professional treatment and scientific studies of museum material as well as its public presentation through thematic projects and exhibitions both domestically and abroad.

The museum owns a fund of 21,950 museum objects arranged in four sections: archeology, history, ethnology and art history. The fundus of the museum includes the donation of 182 photographs of the doyen of the Macedonian art photography Blagoja Drnkov and the donation of the Japanese graphics Ukijoe.

In 1991 Lubomir Belogaski presented him to the Skopje Museum 159 works (mostly watercolors). This collection, which has exceptional value, and the first of its kind in the country, enabled the establishment of the gallery at the Museum of Skopje, which bears the name of the donor and Lubomir Belogaski that keeping the memory of it is constantly exposed to his works.

"Walk through the Past" is a permanent exhibition at the Museum, which covers the period from prehistory to the early 20th century Skopje and its surroundings. Open Graphic Art Studio - Mac - GRAF "opened in 1994 which has an international character, is a place for regular contact between artists and audience, where graphic artists can create and exhibit their works.

In the Old Bazaar is located depandansite Museum, in Suli An is located on permanent exhibition "History of the Old Bazaar. "Memorial Museum of Regional Committee of the CPY" and "Memorial Museum Workshop illegal weapons from the Second World War.

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