St. Sophia Cathedral

St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv (Ukraine) was built in the 11th century and is the oldest stone Christian temple among all preserved in Eastern Europe.

Vividly decorated by byzantine and local artists with marvellous mosaics and frescoes of 11th century, St. Sophia Cathedral is a jewel in crown of the culture of a young Christian East Slavic State - Kyivan Rus and modern Ukraine. The unique preservation of cathedral murals (260 m2 of mosaics and 3000 m2 of frescoes) stands out not only from the churches of Eastern Europe, but also Byzantine monuments of this historical period. This masterpiece is the central object of National Conservation Area "St. Sophia of Kyiv" that was inscribed into UNESCO World Heritage List in 1990 (together with related monastic buildings of 18th century and Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra). The important parts of the Conservation Area are the Golden Gate (11th cen.), St. Cyril’s church (12th cen.), St. Andrew’s church (18th cen.)

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