Pakistan Museum of Natural History (PMNH)

Pakistan Museum of Natural History (PMNH) situated at Garden Avenue, Shakarparian, Islamabad was established in 1976 under the patronage of Pakistan Science Foundation, Ministry of Science & Technology (Government of Pakistan). It has four principal divisions namely Botanical Sciences Division, Zoological Sciences Division, Earth Sciences Division and Public Services Division. The first three divisions are engaged in the collection, identification and research activities pertaining to plants, animals and mineral resources of Pakistan respectively, while the latter is responsible for mass education and popularization of natural history various displays, exhibits and dioramas.Displaying of a large Blue-Whale skeleton at the entrance point of PMNH, installation of a huge model of Balochitherium and addition of number of natural history specimens in the display galleries on regular basis explain the wealth of natural history of Pakistan and our commitment towards their conservation and creating awareness among the general people and students of Pakistan. In addition various projects such as Virtual Orientation Gallery (VOG), Biodiversity Database and Global Networking (BGN) have also been initiated

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