Juming Museum

Ju Ming was born in 1938 in the town of Tungshiao in Miaoli County, Taiwan. The Nativist Series expresses his admiration for the rural characters and traditional culture. The Taichi Series shows the development of his unique style and creative lexicon, while The Living World Series reflects his acute observation of the mundane world. On the path to art, he never stops searching for breakthroughs and innovations. “Art as a monastic pursuit” is his philosophy toward art and his faith in life.

Juming Museum is Ju Ming’s largest artwork to date. He personally designed the architecture, landscapes, wirings and plumbing. Not only did he purchase the property to build the museum, but he also donated over 2000 pieces of his own works and personal collection to the foundation for the public to view. Starting from the ground up, it took Ju Ming 12 years to finish the construction work and he had turned a vacant land into a park. The museum officially opened in 1999, planting the seeds of art in the soil of Taiwan.

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