Fleet Air Arm Museum

Welcome to the Fleet Air Arm Museum - representing the Royal Navy In the Air. With four exhibition halls, over ninety aircraft and over 2 million records and 30 thousand artefacts the Museum is Europe's largest naval aviation Museum. In addition it houses the first British Concorde which you can go on board, view the cockpit and visit the award winning Aircraft Carrier Experience.

The Aircraft Carrier Experience is an award winning tourist attraction within the Museum. It's where Museum meets theatre. You'll 'fly' by helicopter to the replica flight deck of the aircraft carrier HMS ARK ROYAL. On board the Ark Royal you'll see fighter aircraft and two enormous projection screens showing a Phantom strike fighter and a Buccaneer strike bomber taking off and landing. Once on board you will visit the ’Island’ control rooms and bridge and even see a nuclear bomb.

The Fleet Air Arm Museum is a must-see attraction if you are visiting the Southwest, Devon, Dorset, Wiltshire or Somerset, with its wide range of helicopters and fixed wing aircraft exhibits, including Concorde and the Aircraft Carrier Experience. A perfect all weather venue for family holidays and days out with the kids.

Outside, there is a Mini Marines Assault course, and licensed restaurant, ample free parking and excellent disabled access. Find out more by exploring this website and then see us for yourself.

The location of the Museum is at Royal Naval Air Station Yeovilton (also known as HMS Heron) in Somerset. With more flights in and out of RNAS Yeovilton than any other military air station in Europe, you are likely to see aircraft going through their rigorous training procedures.

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